Friday, December 02, 2005

Progression of science, Regression of Truth

How is it scientists/doctors/inventors have come thus far in the science of things, yet it seems the study of Theology has got us more confused than ever, even though there's technically only One true God and One Truth, and really One Text. (Yes I'm biased, I am a Bible-believing Christian, you know?)

Aren't we supposed to get better with a subject as we spend more time on it?

We have found cures for diseases that wiped out hundreds at a time hundreds of years ago (even have vaccines for some!), we have invented machines that look into our bones/stomachs and see what's wrong with our bodies, we have built flying machines that take us out to space and we have constructed skyscrapers that stick their roofs into clouds...

We have achieved much materially, harnessed the world's energies and improved our lives greatly.

However, we are more divided than ever when it comes to truth. You may call it human advancement with the many religions that we have, each with their individual spiritual wants fulfilled. I call it a great state of confusion with regards to truth.

Some can say I'm narrow-minded but I'm fully convicted that if truth is truth, then it's absolute. Consider these words by C. S. Lewis, consider these words by C. S. Lewis, "Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important."

Stay with me, read on.

What do you think? Do you think that the World is any closer to finding the truth or are we looking in all the wrong places?

I believe I'm walking in the way of Truth, God's word is Truth (no less), I'm not saying that I've attained spiritual superiority, I'm not perfect, I'm only forgiven. Forgiven to fellowship with God, to know the one true God and see His glory (psst, that's eternal life defined by the Bible).

If you are sincerely and humbly seeking for truth, I believe God will be gracious and reveal Himself to you, after all He promises that those who seek will find.


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