Monday, February 06, 2006

Time Flies: A Year Together

Sharon and I turned one year old as a couple on Friday 030206! The evening started when I popped by her workplace to surprise her with a sunflower bouquet. I had wanted to get a yellow gerbera for her but there wasn't any, so I got her our favourite couple flower, (right baby?)

(If you go to the Archives of this time last year then you'll see the pictures)

I wore the same t-shirt as I did a year ago! Haha not like you care.

We went to Michaelangelo's at Chip Bee Gardens and had a wonderful dinner, Shar had a creamy seafood pasta. (I forgot the italian or french name for that dish) And I had a french duck thingie. Tres bien!

O! We opened with mussels cooked in a white wine sauce! Nice! Haha.. Then we ended off with a round of desserts, I had their famous sticky toffee pudding while Shar had a ice cream cake sorta thing. Kinda conned into it cos they described it so nicely when it actually it was only ice cream, cut into cake shapes! Don't get it ok? Waste money.

Here are some pictures to prove we were there! Happy One Year BABY! Yock, eh wait You still Rock my world! (I merged You and Rock!) Yock my world!

me at mikey's

shar at mikey's

Ice Cream Cake

Sticky Toffee Pudding

Candlelight Dinner


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