Monday, November 06, 2006

Brothers Who Encourage Me to Fight On

Friends, thanks for reading, I mean I know I haven't been updating and all. Yup. Been slack and free, so I didn't update.

This my friends are brothers in Christ whom I listen to when I am feeling tempted, they encourage me to "lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us and ... run with endurance the race that is set before us" (Hebrews 12:1b)

They may be grinding their vocals and you can't hear the words, but the content they are singing has to be at least shouted, when they don't scream they play a nice rock ballad.

Everytime I listen to the song Undying and read the lyrics along with them, I feel a sense of uplifting in my soul and strength to fight on!

Here's that portion of words..

Tearing through these days I find the tolerance to strive and push on
I know what lies beyond this life for me is already won
No one can take away the blood that covers over my fall
Without the blood of perfect life I know I’m nothing at all
So now I reign forever hallowed in eternity’s hand
No man can shake me from the everlasting ground that I stand

- Undying by Demon Hunter

You can check out their songs at and read an interview here: enjoy and be uplifted!


Blogger Unknown said...

excuse me. mr ng, you need wake up your idea. your real brothers are in singapore...

on the drums we have mr kay the photo hunter.
on bass we have mr toh the prata hunter.
on guitars we have mr heng the original DEER hunter LOL.
mr tan (boring surname can) assumes the role of fiona hunter.
and you, my brother, become the fallen hunter!

hahahaha... sounds cool or whaaart!?
we may not be called demon hunters... but who needs demon hunters when you have... GLORY HUNTERS instead!

for God's glory of course. hehe.

12:32 AM  
Blogger sloshblob said...

Oh yeah, uh huh, oh yeah, uh huh!

1:24 AM  
Blogger :)X said...

Sorry, I am the Bargain Hunter on Drums!!!

Mr Kay has to wait until "As I Lay Dying".

8:31 AM  
Blogger Jeremiah Ng said...

hahaha ah joe ah, that was entertaining, eh i trying to twist it a bit lah, with the title of my post, anyone who is in the body is brethren what, including darlene.

i was just thinking about deer hunter, crocodiles eat deers drinking by the lake right.. tsk tsk


i won't use a "hunter hunter" name for my band name man..

samo, oh yeah uh-huh, so poseur... haha but what the heck!

jenno, i should do a post on as i lay dying too!

1:22 PM  
Blogger :)X said...

yeah! If u like them, share them!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO!!!

12:50 AM  

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