Thursday, December 07, 2006

I Love Jesus

I didn't know how else to title it, but there's this gurgling geyser in me that wants to burst forth for God!

I had a good time walking home from my bus stop home and I was praying and praying, talking to God like I really miss a long lost lover. God is a lover, in fact, he is the Lover.

Lover not in the sense of a human lover, he is the provider of life! Did you know that you're alive whether because he keeps you alive? It doesn't matter if you like him, love him or hate him, you are here only because of his grace.

I was thanking God for his sovereign grace, that grace that opened my heart to spiritual truths, the grace that kept me alive while I was an unbeliever, the grace that keeps me going on even when I'm downright tired running this race, grace that keeps me waking up each morning, grace that keeps my heart pumping and my lungs from collapsing.

How can anyone say that God doesn't love them?!

I have recently took Pastor MacArthur's advice to read my a book in my Bible daily, for 30 days and by the end of a month I'd have read it 30 times! And as he recommended, I'll be reading the 1st epistle of the Apostle John! So here is a famous saying by Saint John:

"We love because he first loved us" - 1st John 4:19

Never say or think for a second that God does not love you!


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